Hiding In Bathroom Stall

Hiding In Bathroom Stall




396 Posts

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at your school?

just asking..




3,464 Posts

I have before. Even when I did, though, I spent the whole time worrying that someone would find out and ask me about it or worse, make fun of me for it, so I stopped.



5,120 Posts

I don't currently, but I did in the past to get away from people for a bit.




2,799 Posts

I sometimes do. If work gets really overwhelming, it's the only place where there's peace.

The bathroom is like the transition zone lol. I often just stop there to catch my breath and make sure I'm headed in the right direction.




1,381 Posts

In high school I spent many a lunch going from restroom to restroom—until I discovered I could just go into the library and read magazines.




101 Posts

I once spent a whole lunch hour at university sat in a cubicle reading Nicholas Nickleby.


No alarms and no surprises



2,735 Posts


When I was in high school, I would often hide out in the bathroom stalls since I had no one to eat lunch with. It really sucked. Sometimes the library would be closed during lunch (hated that) so the bathroom was my safe place. I would sometimes stay in a stall for 2 straight hours, just thinking, and/ or doing homework. There was this one awful time when this really tall, rather annoying girl looked over the stall wall and peeked in on me. She told her friend "There's some girl who is just standing in there doing nothing! LOLZ." That really ticked me off that she would invade someone's privacy like that and made me even more paranoid to come out of the stall when the bell rang (the 2 girls were waiting to see who the weird girl in the stall was!) Ugh. I was so relieved when they finally left.



71 Posts

Sometimes I take my breaks in the (individual) bathrooms at work. :blank




288 Posts

I usually just pop in for a bit, rest my head against a wall and sigh before exiting. It helps me calm down a little for a few moments, but bathrooms are just not my favourite place to sit around and catch my breath. There are over 20,000 students on my campus daily, the air is not exactly fresh in those places.




492 Posts

I don't or haven't done it in school, I have done it at parties. In one of my worst episodes of a panic attack i retreated to the bathroom, after i feared i would pass out on the dance floor.




4,382 Posts

Naw i actually would get anxiety doing this, worried someone might wonder why i'm in there so long.




31,298 Posts

I'd be too afraid someone will walk in and go in the stalls next to me. Then I'm stuck there smelling someone else's crap, unless I fake wipe with the tissue paper and get out of there, lol.




239 Posts

I only ever went into the bathrooms at my high school once or twice, and I got out as fast as I could. I'm incredibly uncomfortable in public restrooms, and try to avoid them whenever possible.

During lunch or free periods when I couldn't find anything else to do, I just went to one of the art rooms and worked on something. During my senior year I ate lunch during my photo class, and came in later during a free period when the darkroom was empty to actually do my work. It was quiet, dark, and isolated in there. Perfect.

In college, I just walk around the campus or go to the library.



2,347 Posts

No, probably because I am a little claustrophobic so the ideal of sitting in a cramped place with loads of other people outside (in a girls college toilet, you can pretty much guarantee that there will be someone outside doing their make up and what not), almost "Listening in" on my silence does not appeal to me.

Ditto this as well:

Naw i actually would get anxiety doing this, worried someone might wonder why i'm in there so long.

I'd also get anxious if someone were to use the stall next to me and they'll wonder why I'm not actually doing anything in there or that I'm making the other person anxious because I'm not doing anythign in there.

Annie K



1,137 Posts

Yes, I did that many times when I was in high school. Sometimes I would stand in there for an hour and do homework. The bathrooms were almost always empty, so I never really worried about anyone finding out.




75 Posts

I do that quite a bit at university but not really to hide from people. Just to have a little privacy to myself. If I hear someone come in I quickly pretend to flush and leave. I know all the best toilets to hide at my uni. I know which ones are busy - those are the ones I avoid!

I don't remember doing it during high school. I mostly hanged around the library, which was like my second home. I loved the library. Too bad they had it renovated recently, but I've been out of HS for 5 years now so I never got a peek inside.



115 Posts

I usually just pop in for a bit, rest my head against a wall and sigh before exiting. It helps me calm down a little for a few moments, but bathrooms are just not my favourite place to sit around and catch my breath.

That's what I do too.

In school, when I had time to kill, I would go to the washroom to escape for a few minutes, but I never actually hid in the stall. If it wasn't too cold out I would bike home during lunch. It took me twenty minutes to get to school (it wasn't uphill) and ten minutes to get home, so it wasn't exactly relaxing. That's how much I hated school.

Cool SAD sufferer



357 Posts

I have considered it, but the toilets in my school are unbelievably dirty and the locks are broken off. My school is in special measures.



18,888 Posts

I might do this if there weren't so many people going in and out of them (and if it smelled half decent, which it never does).

Any time I go into a washroom just to get a break, it never works out. It's always something - someone's already there, or people come in.. and then I'm stuck. So, it rarely does any good.

What I usually do instead - I'll find an empty classroom and shut the door behind me. I sit down, open up my binder and a book, and if someone walks in, I just say "oh do you have a class in here?", pack up and leave.

If you're in high school, I guess they leave all the doors locked. If you can't go to the library and don't want to leave altogether, I think the next best thing would be to find a dead end hallway somewhere where you can sit on the floor, make like you're doing work or reading or studying, or something. A dead end won't get much people-traffic.




896 Posts

yeah if i'm near one, and i see someone i know

Hiding In Bathroom Stall

Source: https://www.socialanxietysupport.com/threads/do-you-sometimes-hide-out-in-the-restroom-stalls.72803/


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